Technical data
The port
- Open: 24 hours
The biggest dimension for a cruise ship
- Length: 250m
- Draft: max 8.2m
- Air limit: no limit
- Supply of vessels
- Port pilotage for all vessels over 500 GT
- Port towage
- Sea currents/reach : 30-40 cm
Customs procedure
- Time: 20 minutes
- Procedure: identity card or passport control
- Shortest time of stay: no time limit
- Longest time of stay: no time limit
- Number of berths for ships on cruising voyages: 10
- Length of berths: 63 m to 173 m
- Depth at berths: max. 8.2 m
- Passenger terminal: yes
- Agency activities: yes
- Cleaning-reception and removal of solid waste: yes
- Cleaning-reception and removal of liquid waste: yes
- Fumigation and deratization: yes
- Goods’ quantity and quality control: yes
- Port towage: yes
- Solid and liquid waste landfill: yes
- Freight forwarders’ activity: yes
- Parking area: yes
- Port pilotage: yes
- Washing and transport of laundry from vessels: yes
- Vessel mooring/unmooring: yes
- ATM service: yes
- Water supply: yes
Terminal Info-centre: yes
- Service: yes
- City centre: 200 m walking distance
- Airport: 20 km
- Railway station: 100m walking distance
- Public buses