
CHARGE – Capitalization and Harmonization of the Adriatic Region Gate of Europe

CHARGE capitalises the gained results of IPA CBC Programme 2007-2013 CARICA project, aiming at promoting efficient and sustainable investments for infrastructural development of ports and logistics centers, through development of integrated action plans and financial roadmaps based on forecasted traffic flows. The project will foster the intermodality and sustainable transport connectivity in the Area while supporting the decision-making process in the adoption of infrastructure investments and pilot activities.

The main outcomes of projects are:

  • Report on physical and non-physical bottlenecks and missing links in transport services in Italy and Croatia
  • Strategic report on future scenarios of traffic flows between IT-HR ports
  • “Motorways of Seas”- action plan for boosting short sea shipping
  • Pilot actions for improving the automatic data exchange of freight traffic
  • Action Plan and Policy Implementation Scenarios


Project partners:

  1. Rete Autostrade Mediterranee
  2. Central Adriatic Ports Authority
  3. North Adriatic Sea Port Authority
  4. Intermodal Transport Cluster
  5. Port of Ploče Authority
  6. Split Port Authority
  7. Southern Adriatic Sea Port Authority
  8. Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of Croatia


Duration of the project in months: 18 (01.01.2018-30.06.2019)

Total budget in EUR: 965 600,00

Funding programme: Interreg IPA CBC Italy – Croatia 2014 – 2020

Interreg Italy-Croatia/CHARGE: https://www.italy-croatia.eu/web/charge


Linkedin  https://www.linkedin.com/company/charge-project

Twitter  https://twitter.com/interreg_charge

 Charge _leaflet_CRO