
MIMOSA – MarItime and Multimodal Sustainable passenger transport solutions and services

Project acronym: MIMOSA
Project title: MarItime and MultimOdal Sustainable pAssenger transport solutions and services
MIMOSA project is funded under the 2014 – 2020 Interreg V-A Italy – Croatia CBC Programme
Project duration: 01.01.2020. – 31.12.2022. (36 months)
Program co-financing: 85%
Project budget: 7.140.000,00 Euro
Lead Partner – Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat

Project description:
The MIMOSA project, with the aim of improving the offer of multimodal sustainable solutions for passenger transport, promotes a new cross-border approach to mobility. A results-oriented approach, ranging from multimodal solutions to innovative and smart tools and technologies, aims to achieve more accessible and sustainable passenger mobility with reduced carbon levels throughout the program area. Cross-border co-operation is needed to address the continuing problems of dominant road transport and the low level of connectivity between the two countries, in order to provide citizens and tourists with a wider range of sustainable mobility options. The goal will be achieved through extensive research and raising knowledge about traffic demand, and habits and needs of passengers, which makes the project original compared to previous initiatives.

Interreg italy-Croatia Programme /MIMOSA