
REMEMBER – Restoring the memory of the Adriatic Port Sites. Maritime Culture to foster balanced territorial growth


The REMEMBER project seeks to achieve cross-border co-operation in facing the challenges that endanger the integrity and the existence of the Adriatic Sea’s cultural heritage: mass tourism flows at the peak of the season, worsening links between ports and cities, environmental pollution due to port activities, loss of common traditions and cultures that are not enough valorised at the local development strategy level.

REMEMBER project aims also to increase the attractiveness of local economies through the use of ICT for the digitalization of cultural contents, differentiate the touristic offer to reduce the tourism seasonality, and create new and qualified jobs linking digital and cultural competences.

The general objective of the project is to promote sustainable tourism and blue growth in the program area through the valorisation of the important maritime cultural heritage of 8 Adriatic Italian and Croatian ports – Ancona, Venice, Trieste, Ravenna, Rijeka, Zadar, Dubrovnik and Split.

The main project results are: development of 8 virtual museums for the digital representation of tangible and intangible heritage in each port; improvement of availability of cultural contents for several types of visitors (low season, handicapped, elderly people, …), restoration of historical buildings and rooms for their valorisation for tourist purposes in Venice, Ravenna, Trieste and Zadar and the establishment of a cultural tourist route in Ancona and Dubrovnik.

The specific project objectives are improving the link between ports and local communities and preserving and adequately valorising the common maritime heritage. The REMEMBER project will contribute to reducing seasonality in tourism, as it aims to stimulate changes in cultural and tourism policy and offers revitalization of available cultural goods. The project will seek to support the cultural offer in a more accessible and interactive way by increasing the attractiveness of areas that are an alternative to highly exploited coastal and maritime resources by mass tourism.

Through the project, cross-border digitization of cultural contents of the preservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, restoration of tourism buildings/rooms will be realized and the cross-border promotion of Adriatic cultural maritime heritage through the “cultural network of Adriatic ports” will be realized.

REMEMBER project is funded under the 2014 – 2020 Interreg V-A Italy – Croatia CBC Programme.

Total budget in EUR: 2.813.460,00

ERDF in EUR: 2.391.441,00

Duration in months:  30 (01/01/2019-30/06/2021)

Interreg Italy-Croatia/REMEMBER:  https://www.italy-croatia.eu