
Virtual museum

In the framework of the REMEBER project (REstoring the MEmory of Adriatic ports sites.Maritime culture to foster Balanced tErritorial growth) financed from the Interreg Italy-Croatia 2014-2020 program, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed in May 2019 for the creation of a cultural network of Adriatic ports with the aim joint promotion and valorization of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the eight Italian and Croatian ports included in the project (Ancona, Venice, Ravenna, Trieste, Rijeka, Dubrovnik, Zadar and Split), and their promotion as a destination network. As the main result of this cooperation, the ADRIJO network was created on a connected international platform available at www.adrijo.eu .

Through the ADRIJO platform, the port of Split is presented through:

– narrative video of the port – a presentation guided by an audio story with descriptions of the history of the port in relation to the current port of Split. It is a story about a modern port that emerged from the ancient period with a lot of important information, statistical data and interesting facts.

– 360 virtual tour that includes multiple presentations of spherical images of many points of interest within the modern port along with spherical aerial images. It represents the terminals, facilities, ferry and fishing port, Prokurative, promenade and Diocletian’s Palace. It also includes a video presentation and an image gallery.

Image galleries with text descriptions of Split harbor – photos and video clips taken inside the historical/ancient part of Split harbor and inside the modern harbor with text files describing each location and point of interest uploaded to the Adrijo platform along with other content.

Today, the ADRIJO platform is an innovative and already available tool that makes it possible to achieve the goals of the network because it brings together the virtual museums of the 8 ports included in the project. At the same time, the ADRIJO platform is a tool for promoting port-city relations and valorizing the cultures, stories and knowledge of each port.