Access to information
Information official
According to the Law on the right of access to information, pursuant to decision of Managing Director, of November 10, 2014,
Josipa Bukarica, Head of Director’s office
Address: Port Authority Split, Gat sv. Duje 1, 21 000 Split
Tel: 021 390 222, 021 390 214
Fax: 021 390 239, 021 390 258
e-mail: [email protected]
Information official performs the following activities:
performs the tasks of regular publication of information, in compliance with internal organisation of the public authority, and resolves individual requests for access to information and their renewed use
improves the method of processing, classification, custody and release of information contained in official documents referring to activities of public authorities
provides indispensable help to the applicants related to the fulfilment of the rights established in the Law on the right of access to information
Method of fulfilment of rights to information
Beneficiary of the right of access to information and renewed use of information realises subject right by submitting oral or written application.
Oral applications may be submitted in form of minutes each working day from 8:00 to 14:00 in Port Authority Split, Gat sv. Duje 1, Split or to the telephone: 021 390 222; 021 390 214.
Written applications should be sent to:
e-mail address: [email protected]
fax: 021 390 239, 021 390 258, ili
by postal delivery to: Lučka uprava Split, n/p Ana Matulić, Gat sv. Duje 1, 21 000 Split.
ritten application should contain: name and registered address of the public authority to which the application is submitted, data important to identify required information, first and family name and address of the applicant – physical person, company title and registered address of the applicant-legal person.
Legal framework
„Narodne novine“ number
Application for access to information
Split Port Authority has the right to reimbursement of the actual material costs incurred by providing information as well as the reimbursement of the costs of delivering the requested information that the user pays for the information.
The reimbursement of actual material costs and the costs of delivery also refers to the reuse of information.
Fees are charged in accordance with the Criteria for determining the amount of compensation for the material costs and the costs of providing information (Official Gazette 12/14) and the Decision on the Exemption of Users of the Right to Information on Compensation Costs of Delivering Information ( 588-168552).
More information about the right to access information can be found at the following link: